How to Help Your Baby to Start Walking on their Own

How to Help Your Baby to Start Walking on Their Own
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Are you looking for information on how to help your baby start walking on her own? There are several reasons why babies don’t try to walk until they reach their first birthday or even later. Well, follow this article to gain some tips on how you can help your baby to start walking on their own.

Try putting toys in front of your child.                                                                                            How to Help Your Baby to Start Walking on Their Own

This will make it easier for them to move around the room when they want to play with something and then pick up the toy after a while. You can also put books or other educational materials that have pictures of different animals, cars and trucks, dolls etc. on display so that your baby gets attracted to them. It is very important to keep these things in sight because they can get lost if not kept close by.

When you are changing diapers give your baby time to watch what you are doing and see if she wants to imitate you. If she does there is no need to force her since she has already got the basic movement skills necessary for learning how to walk.

When you go out for a stroll take along your baby.

Make sure she sits comfortably in her pram, stroller or car seat. Talk to her as much as possible about the world outside and let her observe everything. Always remember to talk softly so that you do not scare your baby. Tell her stories from history, politics, social issues, science and many more topics. Don’t forget to tell your baby about people who inspire you like Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa. Read stories and poems together and sing songs. These activities will be great fun for both of you.

Teach your baby to crawl before he/she can stand up.

The sooner your baby learns to crawl the better off he/she will become when he/she starts to walk on his/her own. Make sure that you avoid placing objects such as toys and books too high for him/her to grab onto. Give him/her small balls to roll around with and encourage him/her to use his/her legs and arms to crawl. Once you feel confident that your baby can move forward using his/her hands and feet alone you may consider letting him/her sit up in a chair for a few minutes every day.

As soon as your baby reaches one-year-old start taking him/her everywhere with you.

Walk to the grocery store, doctor’s office, park etc. Let him/her experience being outdoors and enjoy walking. Encourage him/her to climb all over the furniture and explore various places. Take your baby for walks in nature so that he/she learns to appreciate and love nature. Nature helps teach our children values such as honesty, kindness, gratitude, compassion, respect, empathy, self-control, perseverance, patience and many others.

Do not forget to reward your baby whenever he/she tries to master new actions.

Praise him/her for each step he/she takes towards independence. Show interest in whatever it is that he/she chooses to play with at any given moment. Remember that there is nothing wrong with playing peekaboo with your baby but at the same time try to discourage excessive cuddling.

Be patient and consistent and do not expect instant results.

Even though you may be tempted to force your baby to learn to walk just yet there is no point in rushing him/her into this situation. Remember that kids of this age are still very young and require lots of patience and understanding from parents.

Buy him /her a walker.

It will help them stay upright while they practice their balance and coordination. There are different types of walkers available in the market but make sure that you get an appropriate one for your child. Some models are designed for babies only whereas others have wheels and handles that allow older toddlers to push themselves.

Hold his /her hand and encourage them to walk.

Never let your baby fall because then he/she will be afraid of falling. This could lead to more serious injuries. Always keep your eyes open and watch what your baby does and where he/she goes.

The Bottom Line.

If you follow these simple steps you should be able to help your baby to start learning how to walk on his or her own in no time. If you need further assistance ask us. We would be happy to assist you in finding the right type of walker for your baby.