Potty Training Tips for Kids during Summer Vacation.

Potty Training Tips for Kids during Summer Vacation
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Are you looking forward to summer vacation? If yes, then you should prepare your kids for having a potty training experience during their vacation. This article contains some useful information regarding potty training tips for kids during summer vacation.

Summer vacations are meant to bring joy and happiness into our lives. But, when it comes to potty training, especially for children, they might get frustrated. Potty training can be challenging for them, and even for parents. The good thing is that there are certain things that you can do to ease the process of potty training for your child.

Be prepared                                                                                      Potty Training Tips for Kids during Summer Vacation

The best way to have successful potty training is to be prepared. You need to be aware of the things that are going on around your kid so you can react quickly when he needs help with his bladder or bowel control. Also, make sure that there will not be any accidents in the house since this situation could happen at any time.

Take advantage of nap time

Make sure to take advantage of nap time and do not wake your child up while they’re sleeping. It would be ideal if you let them sleep until it’s time for bedtime. When they get tired, they might want to go to the bathroom which could cause an emergency.

Always keep track of the time

Keep track of the time from now till you start the process of potty training. Make sure you don’t rush through the process because this could put your child in danger.

Ask for help

Another important tip is to ask for help. Your partner, parents or siblings could help you by watching over your kids while you give them instructions about how to use the toilet. They could also hold them down if necessary.

Use rewards

Using rewards is another good idea to remember. This could be something like giving cookies or letting them watch TV when they finish their task.

Don’t force

Never force your children to use the toilet especially when they’re young. Instead, simply encourage them to use the toilet whenever they feel the urge.

Avoid punishment

Avoid punishing your kids whenever they fail to use the toilet. This could lead to other problems later on.

Create a schedule

Creating a schedule is very important. By creating a schedule, you allow your kids know what they should expect every day. This way, they won’t be confused about anything.

Let them choose a toy

One final tip is to allow your kids to choose a toy. Some toys are designed specifically for kids but they may not be suitable for your child. However, if you let them choose, they’ll find several options that should fit their age.

Have patience

Having patience is key here. As much as your kids may resist, always remain calm. If you become angry, this could harm your relationship with your kid.

Start Early

The earlier the child is taught about his/her need to use the toilet, the better for both of you. You can start teaching them at preschool age or even before that if you are in an environment where they do not yet have to go and see their teacher every time they wet themselves. It starts with simple things like saying “Poop” when he needs to go to the bathroom and using words like “potty,” “pee-pee,” etc. Your goal is to make it as easy as possible for him to follow through on this new skill.

Use Words That Mean Something

When teaching your kid how to use the toilet, use words that mean something. They may want to know what “pooping” means but don’t understand why they need to go. Instead, teach them the word by making sure they know why they need to go: “You need to poo because you’re hungry.” Then teach them how to use the toilet by showing them again, using pictures, or any other way that works best for your family.

Let Them Do What They Want

As much as you would like them to pee only in the toilet, let them choose whether they want to wear underwear or not and what colour they prefer. Don’t force them into anything you think they ought to be doing. Instead, allow them to decide what’s right for them.

Make Sure He Has Plenty Of Time To Learn

Be realistic with yourself and realize that there will be times when your child just doesn’t feel like going to the potty. In those cases, don’t force him; instead, give him plenty of opportunities to learn. There are days when you’ll ask him to come out three or four times before he finally does. At these times, don’t get frustrated or annoyed with yourself, but rather try to understand that he’s learning and trying to figure out what makes sense to him.

Keep A Positive Attitude

Being positive and encouraging will help your child stay motivated and focused throughout the process. Try to remember that children learn from watching you, so make sure you set a good example. Showing her mommy struggling with the same thing she’s experiencing will only reinforce the fact that it’s hard to learn this new skill.

The Bottom Line.

Potty training during summer vacation isn’t always fun or easy, but it’s worth it. Just keep a positive attitude and stick with it.